Would you recognise if your baby or kids had measles? We take a look at the symptoms of measles, treatment, preventing measles and how to get the MMR vaccine.
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We take a look at the symptoms of measles, treatment, preventing measles and how to get the MMR vaccine.
How to recognise measles in babies & kids
Measles, also known as English measles or morbilli, is a potentially serious, highly contagious viral disease which kills around 1 million kids worldwide each year.
Measles is spread through contact with infectious droplets from the nose or throat of a person with measles, often during the first 2-4 days of symptoms before the rash appears.
Measles is particularly dangerous for babies or kids with underlying health problems or who have issues with their immune system.
Measles symptoms
Treating measles
Preventing measles
If you have any concerns at all you should always talk to your GP.
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