
15 Reasons for babies & kids to see a doctor

You should always rely on your gut instinct as you know your child best, but here are 15 common reasons when you should take young kids to a doctor or seek out medical advice.
You should always rely on your gut instinct as you know your child best, but here are 15 common reasons when you should take young kids to a doctor or seek out medical advice.

15 Reasons when babies & kids should see a doctor

1. They breathe more quickly than usual or start to grunt.

2. Cannot stop coughing or wheezing.

3. Continues vomiting for more than 24 hours.

4. Cries, grizzles and rubs their ear or their ear has a runny discharge.

5. Develops a rash or stiff neck.

6. Feels too hot or too cold.

7. Has a fit or convulsion.

8. Has an unusual cry for longer than an hour. 

9. Has both vomiting and diarrhoea.

10. Has more than 2 runny, smelly bowel motions in 24 hours.

11. Has pain or a high fever.

12. Is difficult to wake up.

13. Is unusually floppy or pale.

14. Refuses 2 normal feeds in 24 hours.

15. Has swallowed a poisonous substance.

Things to monitor


  • Diarrhoea is common in kids and only needs to be reported to the doctor if it lasts for more than 6 hours or if your child also has a fever and abdominal pain.
Loss of appetite
  • If your child loses interest in their food, it may be a sign that they’re not feeling 100% and that they may be coming down with something.
  • Generally their appetite will return as they start to feel better. However if your baby or child is not feeding or feeling their usual selves, it’s important to contact your doctor.
  • If your child’s temperature goes over 39 degrees Celsius, contact your doctor.
  • For babies contact your doctor when their temperature is over 38 degrees Celsius.
  • Vomiting is not uncommon in kids, but if it lasts for longer than 6 hours and your child also has a headache or abdominal pain, call the doctor.
This article is not intended to mislead or replace expert medical advice. If you're in doubt about your child's health, contact your doctor or a medical professional immediately.

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