
Hot Topics


Our wide range of Hot Topics articles includes tips, advice, activities and more for parents with babies, toddlers and
preschoolers under 5 years old.

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Hot Topics articles for parents with babies, toddlers & preschoolers


1. Hot Topics articles on Kids Activities, Kids Sports & Family Activities

Check out our fun ideas on Things To Make and Things To Do with babies, toddlers and preschoolers. Plus we have some great articles on Kids Sports and Family Activities. 

Read our articles on Kids Activities, Kids Sports and Kids Travel section.


2. Hot Topics articles on Kids Birthday Parties

Read our useful tips on how to plan your kids next party, how to save money, party entertainment and more for babies, toddlers and preschoolers.

Read our articles on kids Birthday Parties.

3. Hot Topics articles on Babies & Kids Gear

Young children seem to need a lot of stuff! Our Babies & Kids Gear Hot Topics section covers it all from car seat safety to the benefits of cloth nappies, baby wearing, buying highchairs and everything in between!

Read our articles on Babies & Kids Gear.

4. Hot Topics articles on Child Development

Take a look at our wide range of articles relating to child development from learning and play, to social and emotional development and communication skills.

Read our articles on Child Development.

5. Hot Topics articles on Kids Clothes & Shoes

Our Clothing Hot Topics articles look at everything from kids clothes size charts to finding the right kids shoes, measuring kids feet, the benefits of merino wool, pyjama safety and lots more.


Read our articles on Kids Clothes & Shoes.

6. Hot Topics articles on Kids Food & Feeding Time

We’ve got fussy eaters covered in our Food & Feeding Time section, plus tips on starting solids, basic cooking skills for preschool kids, family meal times, easy recipes and some kid-friendly cafes and restaurants for you to visit.

Read our articles on Kids Food & Feeding Time.

7. General Hot Topics articles for Babies, Toddlers & Preschoolers

We have all sorts of things covered in our General Hot Topics section. From flying with young children to lists of the top baby names, starting school, family holidays, kids rooms, driveway dangers and lots more.

Read our articles on a wide range of General Issues.

 8. Hot Topics articles on Kids Health & Wellbeing

The health and wellbeing of our children is paramount. Our Hot Topics articles in this section explore sleep and toilet training, common illnesses, ADHD, colic, teething and the general health and wellbeing of babies and young children. 

Read our articles on Kids Health & Wellbeing.

9. Hot Topics articles for Parents

It's not all about the kids! We have useful articles that will help parents during these early years too.

Read our articles for Parents.

10. Hot Topics articles on Services For Kids

This section includes Hot Topics articles on services relevant to babies, toddlers and preschool kids under 5 years old. From nannies to daycares, tips from family photographers and other helpful hints.

Read our articles on Services For Kids.

11. Hot Topics articles on Kids Toys Books & Play

We have lots of play activities to share in this section, along with ideas on how to make your own toys, learning to read and other useful articles on children's toys, books and play ideas.

Read our articles on Kids Toys Books & Play.
Managing the witching hour

Managing the witching hour

The witching hour can start without warning and is often longer than an hour! The calm, quiet baby or toddler you once had turns into a crying inconsolable child in no time at all, usually around the same time every day. So what can you do?
Tips on improving your kids listening skills

Tips on improving your kids listening skills

Do you sometimes struggle to get your kids to listen and pay attention to what you’re saying? Do you often feel frustrated or resort to raising your voice? Here are 4 quick ways you can encourage your kids to listen to you and help you restore your sanity!
Why do preschoolers lie?

Why do preschoolers lie?

Children can start lying as young as two years old. We might not like it when our kids lie to us, but believe it or not, lying in the early years is a normal part of your preschoolers development involving independence, emotional regulation and putting things into perspective. Find out more about their reasons for lying, dealing with their lies, setting an example and continued lying.
Helping young kids to manage their anger

Helping young kids to manage their anger

Many things can cause young kids to become mad and start to scream and shout. However it’s important as parents and caregivers to teach toddlers and preschoolers how to manage their anger so that it doesn’t become self-destructive.
The problems with bribes & rewards

The problems with bribes & rewards

Are you guilty of bribing your kids or over-rewarding them? We take a look at the difference between bribes and rewards, the long term effects of both and instilling positive values.
Kids who interrupt

Kids who interrupt

Does your child often interrupt you? When you’re talking to someone else, on the phone or in the middle of something, it can be frustrating when your child constantly interrupts. Teaching them how to determine if something warrants an interruption and how to pay more attention to other people's needs as well as their own will help control the interruptions.
Benefits of music for young kids

Benefits of music for young kids

Much research has been carried out over the years on the importance of exposing young children to music. We look at some of the benefits and give you some suggestions for making music at home.
Questions to ask preschoolers about their artwork

Questions to ask preschoolers about their artwork

Young children love to paint and draw, build and sculpt and when they present us with their artworks it’s easy to tell them that they’ve done a great job - whatever the results! However with a few open-ended questions you can find out a little more about what they’ve produced and what inspired them. You’ll also help develop their creative and critical thinking skills in the process.
9 ways music & movement helps young kids learn

9 ways music & movement helps young kids learn

By adding music to movement young kids gain so many more benefits beyond movement alone, and it is lots of fun! From developing their language, memory and social skills to creative thinking and focused listening, they also start to build music foundations such as singing in tune and moving in time. So what can young kids get out of well-written music and movement experiences?
4 Benefits of screen time for preschoolers

4 Benefits of screen time for preschoolers

It’s not often we associate ‘benefits’ with screen time, but when used in moderation there are some benefits to be had for pre-school kids. It’s all about balance! Find out more about the educational, communication, creative and physical benefits of screen time.
When kids prefer one parent over the other

When kids prefer one parent over the other

Preferring one parent to the other is a normal stage of your kids development. While this can be quite hurtful for the parent who is being excluded, it is helpful to remember that it is usually just a phase which will pass soon enough. Find out what can you do when your kids tend to prefer one parent over the other.
What's all the fuss about heuristic play?

What's all the fuss about heuristic play?

Heuristic play is about playing with real-life, everyday objects and providing kids with an opportunity for open-ended discovery. When children are involved in heuristic play, they are using familiar objects in different ways. It is the process of exploring the different ways to use the objects that is important in the play.
Toddlers who bite

Toddlers who bite

Biting amongst toddlers is not uncommon. In most cases it’s just a phase they go through. We take a look at why toddlers bite and ways to help eliminate their biting altogether.
Healthy body, healthy mind

Healthy body, healthy mind

Find out how physical play and development are linked to reading and writing skills. The brain plays its part in children’s writing and reading but the body needs to be ready physically too. Little hands and eyes need developing ready for successful reading and writing.
6 tips on Tummy Time for babies

6 tips on Tummy Time for babies

Not all babies like their first few sessions of tummy time, but with your encouragement it’s an early developmental milestone they’ll start to enjoy in their own time. However, the sooner you start, the quicker they will adapt. Check out our useful tummy time tips.
Teaching babies the difference between day & night

Teaching babies the difference between day & night

Teaching babies the difference between day and night can be a bit of a challenge until their body clock kicks in. However it's something you can easily help them learn from just a few weeks old. Whilst it’s not possible to establish a routine when your baby is very young, there are things you can do to separate day and night activities. In the long run it will also mean you will both start to get more sleep.
Why do kids have imaginary friends?

Why do kids have imaginary friends?

There’s evidence that children's imaginary friends are more widespread than ever. Find out why it’s normal, how make believe can affect a child’s development, adjusting to your child’s new friend, when should you be worried and how long will their imaginary friend be around for.
Benefits of baby signing

Benefits of baby signing

Baby sign language is primarily about bonding and communicating with your little one and comes with many benefits. Babies are born with a natural instinct to communicate and make themselves understood through gesturing, smiling, crying and making sounds. Baby sign language builds on their gesturing so you can begin to understand what they are saying to you. Find out more about some of the benefits.
Helping toddlers make friends

Helping toddlers make friends

Are you worried your toddler isn't making friends? It's perfectly normal. Although some toddlers are naturally confident, most are typically slow to make friends to begin with. Here are some simple suggestions to help those early friendships blossom.
When toddlers swear & ask awkward questions

When toddlers swear & ask awkward questions

Kids will be kids and there will come a stage when they swear or ask awkward questions at inappropriate times, but what can you do to help address it? Check out these useful tips.
8 tips on moving into the pre-school years

8 tips on moving into the pre-school years

The period between 3 to 5 years old is a distinct time of growth and development for kids, a time for learning new skills and building their confidence. By understanding what’s coming up next in terms of their development you’ll be more prepared and the transition will be a little smoother for everyone.
Benefits of adventure play for preschoolers

Benefits of adventure play for preschoolers

Adventure play or imaginative play comes with many benefits for preschoolers and is all about giving them a wide range of resources and materials to have fun with, experiment with and to help them build their own creations with.
The effects of W-sitting

The effects of W-sitting

We take a look at the effects of W-Sitting, why it’s not ideal and the postural and developmental issues it may cause young kids.
The plus side of play dates

The plus side of play dates

Are play dates really necessary when kids are young? We take a look at some of the benefits and developmental effects play dates can have on older babies, toddlers and pre-school kids when they catch up with their friends.

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