
The plus side of play dates

Are play dates really necessary when kids are young? We take a look at some of the benefits and developmental effects play dates can have on older babies, toddlers and pre-school kids when they catch up with their friends.

Are play dates really necessary when kids are young?

We take a look at some of the benefits and developmental effects play dates can have on older babies, toddlers and pre-school kids when they catch up with their friends.

6 reasons why play dates are good

1. Games, play and interaction are all vital for kids social development and have an impact on their future character.

2. Affection, empathy, negotiation and appreciating someone else’s point of view are just some of the things your little one’s starting to grasp when they’re playing with their friends.

3. By interacting with others around the same age, kids also begin to learn about perspective-taking, where they start to realise how others may have different thoughts and feelings.

4. Play dates can help your little one learn to problem solve and to develop critical thinking skills, and learn how to share and resolve disputes when things aren’t going their way.

5. They will find themselves in situations that they will encounter throughout their life which will give them a strong grounding to know how to respond.

6. Play dates help kids learn to interact with other people in a positive, healthy way.

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