
9 Ways to avoid kids party disasters

Kids parties can be stressful enough without any mishaps to spoil the special day. So here are some tips on how to avoid the most common kids party disasters so you don’t end up hosting the worst party ever!
Here are some tips on how to avoid kids party disasters so you don’t end up hosting the worst birthday party ever!

Kids parties can be stressful enough without any mishaps to spoil the special day.

9 Ways to avoid kids party disasters


1. Minimise party guest no shows

Party guest no shows are heart-breaking for everyone, especially for the birthday boy or girl, so ensure there are no date clashes, such as other kids birthday parties, kindy/school holidays etc.

Try planning around their birthday day if need be and go with a date nearby or perhaps look at hosting a joint party with one of their friends instead.

Always ensure that your little one’s best friend(s) can make it before sending out the party invites.

Proof read the invitations before you send them out to ensure you have the correct day, date, time and location.

Ensure there is a party RSVP date on the invites too so you can follow up anybody you don’t hear back from.

2. Factor in the weather

However much you plan, you can’t predict the weather, so have plans in place for rain AND shine!

Think about the venue and alternative options should it rain.

For example if you’re planning to hold your party at the park or beach, is there a kids movie on around same time that you could take the party guests to instead if it starts to rain?

Or if you’re having the party at home, do you have large enough indoor and outdoor spaces to use, or do you need to hire a marquee just in case?

3. Be organised & ready

When you’re planning your kids party, make a list of everything that needs to be organised, and bought. Then prioritise the list into ‘must haves’ and ‘nice to haves’.

Focus on your list of ‘must haves’ first and make sure they’re organised and ready in time.

And if you don’t make it to the ‘nice to haves’ the party will still be a success and go ahead as planned. Focus on doing less and doing it really well.

Plan for your guests arriving several hours before they do, so you’re ready and will have plenty of time to spend with them during the party.

4. Plan for uninvited guests

There is nothing worse than unexpected guests turning up and there's not enough seats.

In this busy world, parents sometimes don't always RSVP, but their child still turns up to the party. Or you may find you have uninvited siblings tag along.

Always had a few extra party bags, just in case. If you don’t use the bags at the party use them as Christmas stocking fillers or use them to fill a pinata.

If you are at a restaurant or venue and you haven't been able to get hold of those that didn't RSVP, then give the party venue warning that surprise guests might show up. They will appreciate some early warning.

Then there are gate crashers! So make sure you have a plan in place if this was to happen.

5. Get the party started!

Guests have arrived, the music is playing, but the party just hasn't ‘started’.

Help everyone get to know each with an easy icebreaker or party game and perhaps turn up the music too to get your little guests dancing around.

Party themes can really help set the scene and get kids into the party spirit as they admire each others costumes and a room full of props and decorations.
Also think about what the kids will do once the party’s underway. How will you keep them entertained?

Will you organise some party games or activities yourself or perhaps book a party entertainer or face painter to keep them busy?

Young kids become bored quite quickly so it’s good to have something planned in advance to keep them occupied and out of mischief.

6. Don’t leave guests hungry

There's nothing worse than young hungry guests

If you can, try to find out about any special dietary requirements in advance so that you can be prepared. If that’s not always possible then cater for some common food intolerances or allergies.

Think about vegans, nuts, gluten or dairy free alternatives.

A few options for kids are air popped popcorn and fairy bread. Fruit and vegetables with dips are usually great too.

These ideas are simple and will ensure that there are a few items that everyone can eat.

7. Put pet plans in place

Don’t forget to have a plan for your pet, whether they stay at home, come to the party venue or go to friends or elsewhere whilst the party is on.

Think about whether your pet will get too excited with lots of people around and become a nuisance.

Also bear in mind that some of your young guests may be allergic to pets or a little scared of ones they haven't met before.

Think about what will work best for you, the party and your pets so that everyone's happy.

8. Health and safety

Keeping everyone safe is important, both during and after the party.

There is nothing worse than having someone shipped off to hospital during your party.

If you're having toddlers at the party, think about what they can access or what could cause them some harm.

Consider having a safe zone for the youngest kids with activities to keep them happy.

9. Missing host

Plan as many things as possible, so you are free on the day to enjoy the party and to spend time with your birthday boy or girl and with your guests.

Ask friends or family for help with things like the food and drinks or hire someone for a couple of hours to help.

Guests will love spending time with you and you'll love being part of the action.

More kids party articles to enjoy:

Source: This article was kindly written for us by Build a Birthday - creating parties kids love!
Image source: linkedin

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