
5 Kids party bag ideas

Here are some great kids party bag ideas and what to put inside. Party bags are a great way for your little one to say thank you for coming to their party and the guests will love receiving little treats too.
Looking for kids party bag ideas for their next birthday party?

Here are ome great party bag ideas and what to put inside.

Party bags or loot bags as they are sometimes called, are a great way for your little one to say thank you for coming to their birthday party and the guests will love receiving little treats too, especially a memento or keepsake to remind them of what a great time they had at the party.

If you can, look to include items relating to the party theme so your little guests can remember the party well after it has ended.
Here are some ideas on what to include in your party bags.

5 Kids party bag ideas


1. Party bag creativity

There are endless ways to wrap, pack and present a great thank you party bag such as:
  • Using the party theme, choose party bags in the colours or design to match.
  • Using paper based products which are more environmentally friendly than plastic ones. Or how about filling glass jars or small metal buckets instead for something different?
  • Looking at creative ways to present some of the licensed themes such as Thomas the Tank Engine, My Little Pony, Spider-Man; try purchasing some licensed stickers, then adding one to the front of a coloured bag or noodle box and tying it up with ribbon.
  • Adding a party tag to the bag with your child’s personal message of thanks.

2. Party bag keepsake

  • Everyone likes to receive something to remind them of the fun time they had at the party. It doesn’t need to be expensive.
  • Some popular ideas include play jewellery, hair accessories, small packs of Lego or collectable figurines.

3. Party bag food

  • Traditionally party bags include a piece of birthday cake, party food or even a bag of lollies or a lollipop.
  • Just be aware that some children may have food intolerances and allergies, especially relating to nuts, dairy and gluten.

4. Party bag toys

  • It’s nice to include a small toy that they'll be able to keep long after the party finishes.
  • Parents are not keen on party bag items that go straight in the rubbish.
  • Popular items include rubber bouncy balls, stamps and bubbles.

5. Party bag practical items

  • Items that children can use, have educational value or require some thinking are very popular with adults and kids alike.
  • Items like stickers, bubble bath and colouring books are all great ideas.
More kids party articles to enjoy:
Source: This article was kindly written for us by Build a Birthday - creating parties kids love!

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