
9 Tips on hosting sustainable kids parties

These days more and more of us are looking at ways to help reduce waste in our lives and this applies when it comes to kids parties too. Organising a waste-free or sustainable kids party may seem a little daunting, but there are so many ways to reuse and recycle what you already have and ditch the plastic where you can.

These days more and more of us are looking at ways to help reduce waste in our lives and this applies when it comes to kids parties too.

Organising a waste-free or sustainable kids party may seem a little daunting, but there are so many ways to reuse and recycle what you already have and ditch the plastic where you can.

Your kids next party might not be entirely sustainable, but there are things you can do (even small things) to help reduce waste and the impact it has on the environment.

Why host a sustainable kids party

One of the biggest global issues we face today is waste and the effects it has on the world around us. We are producing more products than we can get rid of at an alarming rate and using non-renewable resources to make them.

So when it comes to kids parties, it means thinking carefully about the party decorations, party bags and tableware we use and even the gifts we give to friends and family.

It’s about being mindful and thinking beyond your immediate needs.

Looking at where products come from and how they were made. Perhaps purchasing handmade products or buying from local businesses, instead of shipping in products from overseas.

It’s also about deciding if you need to buy more items or whether you can reuse or recycle something you already have.

9 Tips on hosting sustainable kids parties

When it comes to changing the way you think about kids parties and making them more sustainable and waste-free, start with baby steps.

If this is all new to you, perhaps give just one or two of these ideas a go at first.

The options you choose will depend on the time you have available and how far you want to take it.

1. Party invitations

There are so many paper invites to choose from these days, but do you really need to send them?

Perhaps look to reduce waste by sending online invites or using invites made from recycled paper instead.

Some online invite services allow you to design your own invites, email them to your guests and even manage RSVPs and party updates.

2. Party decorations

You are limited only by your imagination when it come to kids party decorations!

If you have items at home leftover from previous parties use those instead of wasting them. Try and recycle and reuse your existing party decorations where possible.

Also where you can, avoid too many balloons, plastic or coloured paper style decorations and opt for material or homemade ones instead.

You could perhaps decorate just one small area of the party room rather than the whole venue.

3. Party tableware

When it comes to party tableware, you could look to borrow items from friends and family instead of buying more.

Think about whether you really need coloured or themed plastic plates and cups, or if you could visit an op shop and pick up some recycled or vintage plates and cups instead.

Or how about using disposable plates made from recycled or biodegradable materials.

You could even use old jam jars or mason jars for kids drinks.

4. Gifts

We all like to give nice presents, but why not make your own or buy your kids gifts from a local supplier.

Perhaps you could give your kids something ‘to do’ such as tickets to the movies, passes to the zoo or other family fun activities they can take part in, rather than material goods.

If other parents ask what to give your kids for their birthday, explain to them that you are trying to be more mindful of the environment. Perhaps suggest items that your kids actually need and try to avoid more plastic or unnecessary presents coming into your home.

You could wrap your kids presents in recycled paper or decorate plain paper or brown paper you already have, rather than buying a rolls of new wrapping paper.

5. Party food

Try to plan how much party food you will actually need so there is minimal waste. You'll also spend less money on food this way too.

Make as much of the food as you can yourself so there is less waste from packaging.

Offer leftovers to guests if you don’t think you’ll get through them and try to compost if you can.

6. Party games

With your party games, keep it simple and try to recycle and reuse items where you can.

Perhaps wrap the prizes in old newspapers or your child’s artwork that’s no longer needed.

7. Party bags

When it comes to kids party bags, decide whether you want to give them out at all or maybe look at alternative gifts for party guests to take home.
In reality most of the contents of a party bag ends up forgotten and in the bin by the next day!

Some ideas you could use include:
  • Organising an activity at the party, such as making something crafty or edible, and then each child takes home their creation.
  • The birthday boy or girl making some pictures or some cute crafts before the party and giving one to each child as they leave.
  • Making some play dough and giving each child some to take home.
  • Buying eco-friendly toys from local businesses to give to guests.
  • Giving your guests one useful item as their take home gift, instead of five little bits of plastic that will break, get lost or thrown away.

8. Party hire

Use party hire businesses which have party items that get reused such as bouncy castles, large toys, tables and chairs, even dress up costumes.

Some companies even hire out cake tins, cake stands and cupcake trees so that you don’t have to buy your own.

9. Party themes

When it comes to party themes, it may take some thought.

Some themes are going to be harder than others to do in an environmentally friendly way.

If your kids have a favourite character or colour, perhaps use this and some of their existing toys as inspiration and decoration.

More kids party articles to enjoy: Image source: funkidscrafts

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