
Hot Topics


Our wide range of Hot Topics articles includes tips, advice, activities and more for parents with babies, toddlers and
preschoolers under 5 years old.

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Hot Topics articles for parents with babies, toddlers & preschoolers


1. Hot Topics articles on Kids Activities, Kids Sports & Family Activities

Check out our fun ideas on Things To Make and Things To Do with babies, toddlers and preschoolers. Plus we have some great articles on Kids Sports and Family Activities. 

Read our articles on Kids Activities, Kids Sports and Kids Travel section.


2. Hot Topics articles on Kids Birthday Parties

Read our useful tips on how to plan your kids next party, how to save money, party entertainment and more for babies, toddlers and preschoolers.

Read our articles on kids Birthday Parties.

3. Hot Topics articles on Babies & Kids Gear

Young children seem to need a lot of stuff! Our Babies & Kids Gear Hot Topics section covers it all from car seat safety to the benefits of cloth nappies, baby wearing, buying highchairs and everything in between!

Read our articles on Babies & Kids Gear.

4. Hot Topics articles on Child Development

Take a look at our wide range of articles relating to child development from learning and play, to social and emotional development and communication skills.

Read our articles on Child Development.

5. Hot Topics articles on Kids Clothes & Shoes

Our Clothing Hot Topics articles look at everything from kids clothes size charts to finding the right kids shoes, measuring kids feet, the benefits of merino wool, pyjama safety and lots more.


Read our articles on Kids Clothes & Shoes.

6. Hot Topics articles on Kids Food & Feeding Time

We’ve got fussy eaters covered in our Food & Feeding Time section, plus tips on starting solids, basic cooking skills for preschool kids, family meal times, easy recipes and some kid-friendly cafes and restaurants for you to visit.

Read our articles on Kids Food & Feeding Time.

7. General Hot Topics articles for Babies, Toddlers & Preschoolers

We have all sorts of things covered in our General Hot Topics section. From flying with young children to lists of the top baby names, starting school, family holidays, kids rooms, driveway dangers and lots more.

Read our articles on a wide range of General Issues.

 8. Hot Topics articles on Kids Health & Wellbeing

The health and wellbeing of our children is paramount. Our Hot Topics articles in this section explore sleep and toilet training, common illnesses, ADHD, colic, teething and the general health and wellbeing of babies and young children. 

Read our articles on Kids Health & Wellbeing.

9. Hot Topics articles for Parents

It's not all about the kids! We have useful articles that will help parents during these early years too.

Read our articles for Parents.

10. Hot Topics articles on Services For Kids

This section includes Hot Topics articles on services relevant to babies, toddlers and preschool kids under 5 years old. From nannies to daycares, tips from family photographers and other helpful hints.

Read our articles on Services For Kids.

11. Hot Topics articles on Kids Toys Books & Play

We have lots of play activities to share in this section, along with ideas on how to make your own toys, learning to read and other useful articles on children's toys, books and play ideas.

Read our articles on Kids Toys Books & Play.
Benefits of cooking with young kids

Benefits of cooking with young kids

There are so many benefits of cooking with young kids and getting them to help out in the kitchen. It offers them a wide variety of opportunities to learn and grow and boosts their development. Spending time in the kitchen with young kids can also foster an interest in food and cooking that will last for life.
Healthy snack ideas for kids on the go!

Healthy snack ideas for kids on the go!

Small kids never sit still! In between mealtimes fuel them up with healthy snacks to give them extra energy. Introducing healthy snacks can sometimes be difficult, but persevere. Gradually try new things to see what works.
10 Lunchbox ideas for toddlers & preschoolers

10 Lunchbox ideas for toddlers & preschoolers

Lunchboxes can sometimes be a source of enormous stress for parents, especially if your toddler or preschooler is not eating their lunch at daycare or kindy on a regular basis. Here are some useful tips on ways you can help encourage your toddler or preschooler to eat what’s in their lunchbox when they’re away from home.
Introducing goat’s milk to babies & toddlers

Introducing goat’s milk to babies & toddlers

In New Zealand cow’s milk is recommended as part of a child’s daily diet from one year’s old due to the calcium, vitamin D and fat content. Increasingly though parents are looking for alternative options. One option is goat’s milk. Find out about the benefits of goat’s milk, goat’s milk formula and things to consider before introducing goat’s milk to your little one’s diet.
15 Immune boosting foods for young kids

15 Immune boosting foods for young kids

Unfortunately there are no miracle cures to starve off winter colds and flu, but here are 15 immune boosting foods to help toddlers and preschoolers stay healthy and beat those bugs over the winter months.
Spotting food intolerances in young kids

Spotting food intolerances in young kids

Would you know if your child had a food intolerance? Food intolerances and food allergies are fairly common these days, so it's important to have some understanding of certain food groups and how they could affect your child. We look at the most common food intolerances, how to identify food intolerances and the difference between food intolerances and food allergies.
The risks of eating hummus for babies & toddlers

The risks of eating hummus for babies & toddlers

How safe is it for babies and toddlers to eat hummus? It may be a healthy snack, but many of the ingredients in hummus have the potential to cause an allergic reaction or have an effect on your baby or toddler's digestive system. Find out more about the possible risks of eating hummus for babies and toddlers.
Quick & easy snack ideas for toddlers & preschoolers

Quick & easy snack ideas for toddlers & preschoolers

Toddlers and preschoolers are always in so much of a hurry! So when it comes to snacks, you want things that are easy to prepare and ready to eat before they get restless. Food that’s convenient yet still nutritious and fun. Check out these quick and easy ideas.
Getting to grips with fussy eaters

Getting to grips with fussy eaters

Fussy eating is very common in young children, and a great frustration to many parents and caregivers. However our tips on how to encourage good eating habits in your child will help make mealtimes a breeze!
6 Tips on weaning your baby

6 Tips on weaning your baby

The weaning process may take several weeks to several months depending on the number of feeds you are giving. We take a look at weaning babies 9 months and under, weaning babies 9 months and older, breast care, weaning from a bottle and what to do if your child won’t drink milk from a bottle or sipper cup.
5 Tips on eating out with young kids

5 Tips on eating out with young kids

Eating out with young kids can sometimes be a challenge, but don't let that stop you. These tips on eating out with toddlers and preschoolers will help make going to a café or restaurant a more enjoyable experience for you and the whole family.
Ideas for healthy kids drinks

Ideas for healthy kids drinks

We all know that sugary soft drinks are not good for our kids’ teeth, but what else can you give toddlers or preschoolers to drink other than milk or water? We take a look at some alternatives that are still healthy for kids but don’t have such a high sugar content.
7 Ways to spot a food intolerance

7 Ways to spot a food intolerance

Does your baby or toddler have an unexplained rash? Begins crying for no apparent reason? They may have a food intolerance that hasn’t yet been diagnosed. Unlike a food allergy, a food intolerance is not life-threatening, but there are lots of symptoms you can look out for so you know when to contact your GP.
When can babies eat eggs?

When can babies eat eggs?

Eggs are an important nutritious part of a baby’s diet. Yet eggs are one of the most common food allergens amongst young children. Find out when it’s good to start introducing your baby to eggs.
Are kids yoghurts doing more harm than good?

Are kids yoghurts doing more harm than good?

Many of us buy yoghurts for our kids because of the widely published health benefits they have, ranging from friendly bacteria to the amount of calcium they contain. But not all yoghurts are created equal! Some types of kids yoghurts have the same amount of sugar and additives in them as chocolate desserts! So how do you tell the difference between 'real' kids yoghurts that offer health benefits from other ‘fake’ kids yoghurts that just taste good?
Cows milk allergy

Cows milk allergy

Cows’ milk is one of the most common causes of food allergy in young children, affecting about one in 50 children in New Zealand. So what is cows’ milk allergy? We take a look at the symptoms and management of cows’ milk allergy.
Why is my toddler or preschooler a fussy eater?

Why is my toddler or preschooler a fussy eater?

By understanding a little about why young children can be fussy eaters, you can help to alleviate some of the stress around mealtimes and help to make eating fun. Just because your child says they won't eat a food, it doesn’t mean they don’t like it. They may not have even tasted it! Check out some of the reason for fussy eating.
Pica disorder in young kids

Pica disorder in young kids

Would you know if your kids have pica disorder? Do you know what to look for? Or what causes it? We take a look at pica disorder and how eating non-foods can affect young kids.
The effects of fruit on kids teeth

The effects of fruit on kids teeth

We all know that fruit is full of vitamins and an important part of kids diets, but did you know that too much fruit (whether it's fresh fruit, fruit juices, dried fruit or canned fruit) can have a negative effect and contribute to problems such as cavities and erosion, especially if your kids are grazing on fruit all day?
What to do if your toddler is a fussy eater

What to do if your toddler is a fussy eater

Don’t sweat the small stuff when it comes to fussy eating! Understand that there will be times when your toddler is simply not hungry and that healthy snacks are as essential for young children as meals. Add variety to your child’s diet and encourage them to eat home-cooked foods. Check out these solutions to help your fusser eater on their way.
Starting solids

Starting solids

Is your baby ready for solids? What signs do you need to look out for? Starting your baby on solid foods is a major (and very messy!) developmental milestone. Check out these handy tips.
The importance of sitting down to family meals

The importance of sitting down to family meals

How often do you sit down as a family to eat? It seems sitting down as a family to eat is a tradition that's dying fast! It does take organisation and commitment to have regular family meals together, but it seems the benefits are well worth it.
Understanding fussy eating

Understanding fussy eating

As parents we sometimes face the challenge of fussy eating, where our toddler or preschooler may love a particular food one day and then flat refuse it the next - for no apparent reason! By understanding some of the reasons behind their fussy eating, it might make life a little easier for all of you. Here are 10 things you need to know about fussy eating in toddlers and preschoolers.
Are you a helicopter feeder?

Are you a helicopter feeder?

Are you inadvertently a helicopter feeder? Watching your baby or toddler closely as they eat? Following every spoonful they put into their mouth?

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