
Working together and managing behaviour

In our busy lives it often seems quicker and easier to give children instructions and replies of ‘Because I said so’ or ‘Do it now!’ However rewording your requests with phrases that show interest and promote involvement will encourage children to cooperate more. It helps children feel listened to, and in time they will start listening too.
In our busy lives it often seems quicker and easier to give children instructions and replies of ‘Because I said so’ or ‘Do it now!’

However rewording your requests with phrases that show interest and promote involvement will encourage children to cooperate more. It helps children feel listened to and in time they will start listening too.
Check out our list of suggested phrases to help encourage parent-child cooperation:

Can I help you?

  • Can you show me a different way to do that?
  • Can you show me how?
  • Can you tell me more about what you think about this?
  • Can you tell me more about your ideas?

Can you think of a solution?

  • Do you have a way you want to do it?
  • Do you have any ideas how to solve this?
  • Do you have any ideas you want to share?
  • How about we take turns?

How can we solve this together?

  • I see. Now what should be our next step?
  • I understand. How would you do it then?
  • I would love to hear your ideas.
  • If we could start over, what could you try differently?

Let’s try team work!

  • If we could start over, what would you want me to do differently?
  • Last time when we did this, what worked? Should we do it the same way?
  • Let’s rewind and try again.
  • Let’s try this again, can you show me your way?

Let’s work together!

  • Let’s try this again, this time together.
  • Let’s try this again. This time I will follow you then you can follow me.
  • That might work. Shall we try it then?
  • This isn’t working, but maybe together we can think of way that will work.

What do you think the problem is?

  • What can we do together to make it work?
  • What if we did this in a different way?
  • What if you tried it like this?
  • What way would you fix it?

Would you like to hear my idea?

  • What would you like to do differently?
  • Would you like help with that?
  • Would you like to help me?

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