
14 ideas for recognising Children’s Day

Celebrating Children’s Day is something we can all do with our children at home, but why not celebrate this year’s Children’s Day with friends, family and other members of your community too. Here are 14 fun ideas for you to try.
Celebrating Children’s Day is something we can all do with our children at home, but why not celebrate this year’s Children’s Day with friends, family and other members of your community too.

Here are 14 fun ideas for you to try ...

1. Free community events

Look out for free community events near you or search online for events happening around New Zealand on Children’s Day this year.

2. Organise a neighbourhood picnic

Organise a neighbourhood picnic with your children and get to know other families in your community. 

You could do a letterbox drop or create a Facebook event page and meet in your local park. 

This brings back that sense of community and enables your children to make friends in their own neighbourhood.

Community support is important and it embraces the concept of ‘it takes a village to raise a child’.

3. Donate some of your children's toys

Involve your children in donating some of their good quality toys to a community group such as the Salvation Army or Women’s Refuge. 

Let them choose some toys and buy a new one or two if you can afford it, and go with them to donate. 

This instils the values of caring for other children and giving to others.

4. Do some homemade baking

Sell some homemade cupcakes or other baking and donate the profits to a children’s charity such as Kids Can or your local children’s hospital. 

Involve your child in baking the goods, choosing the charity and giving the donation.

5. Make cards to mark Children's Day

Make some cards for your children to give to their friends at playgroup or school using their own artwork or handprints.

6. Plant a tree

Plant a tree for your baby and watch it grow with your child. It will be their own special tree.

7. Take photos of your children

Start a family tradition of taking a photo of your child every Children’s Day, starting with this year and then every year after. 

Add the photo to the wall each year to celebrate change and growth.

8. Organise a family BBQ & awards night

Have a family BBQ for all the young children in the family.

Turn it into an awards night with special certificates for all the children.

Each one would be unique depending on their own strengths and what makes them your little treasure.

9. Watch movies

Have a family movie night with your own home movies, perhaps of your child’s past birthdays or Christmas, and enjoy the memories together.

10. Put safety first

What is more important than keeping our little treasures safe; not only on Children’s Day but throughout the year. 

To help keep your little ones safe why not enrol in a first aid course, make up a survival kit and check all your smoke alarms and perhaps practise a fire drill together.

11. Write a letter to your child

Write a letter to your child about what makes them your special treasure, and date it and keep it in a treasure box for them. 

Each year you could add a photo, memento or new letter. What an amazing gift this will be when they are older!

12. One on one time

Give each child in the family their own special time. One on one time with each child helps them to feel special.

Take just one child on an outing with you. It doesn’t need to cost money. It could be a walk around the duck pond followed by an ice cream or an afternoon at the beach.

13. Prince or princess for the day

Let your child be the little prince or princess for the day.

Make a crown together and let them lead the day with their choice of breakfast, outing, activity and dinner.

14. Doing more to help

Would you recognise the sometimes subtle signs of child abuse?

Why not use Children’s Day as the inspiration to gain some more knowledge around recognising and responding to possible abuse. 

We all need to have our eyes open for children in our wider family and in our community.

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Source: This article has been written by Creators, a nationwide service offering quality home-based care and education. Creators are passionate about seeing every child’s unique talent being recognized and nurtured.

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