
Preschool bucket list ideas

As adults we often think about what would be on our ‘bucket list’ or list of things to do and to try before we grow too old, but what about a bucket list for preschoolers too? Here are some fun ideas for your little one’s bucket list; things for them to do before they reach 5 years old.
As adults we often think about what would be on our ‘bucket list’ or list of things to do before we grow too old, but what about a bucket list for preschool kids too?

Things for them to do and to try before they reach 5 years old and start school.

Why not add some of these ideas to their list.

25 Bucket list ideas for preschoolers

1. Catch a fish or an eel

2. Climb a tree

3. Climb a hill and roll down

4. Go strawberry picking

5. Make sandcastles at the beach & play other fun beach games

6. Dig up a potato or pull up a carrot or other yummy veges

7. Feed a bird out of their hand

8. Lie on the earth and watch the clouds create shapes in the sky

9. Light a fire and cook marshmallows on a stick

10. Make some mud pies

11. Paddle around in a stream, moving rocks and making dams

12. Pat a sheep or goat or other farm animal

13. Pick and eat fruit straight from a plant or tree

14. Rake up a pile of autumn leaves and jump into it

15. Ride a pony or donkey

16. Travel by bus 

17. Take a trip in a kayak or dinghy

18. Run around in the rain with no coat or shoes and splashing in the puddles

19. Run through long grass

20. Sleep in a tent or under the stars

21. Swing on a rope swing or flying fox

22. Throw snow balls and make snowmen

23. Walk bare-footed in the frost

24. Ride on a train

25. Go fishing for small crabs and fish in rock pools at the beach

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