
How to make fairy flowers

Kids will love being creative and making their own Fairy Flowers with different materials. Teach them about the seasons and how plants grow, and help them to understand and appreciate nature.
Kids will love being creative and making their own Fairy Flowers with different materials.

Teach them about the seasons and how plants grow, and help them to understand and appreciate nature.

What you will need

  • Small container
  • Cupcake papers
  • Stickers, glitter and other collage materials of your choice
  • Buttons
  • PVA glue
  • Play dough
  • Ice block sticks, 1 for each flower
  • Different coloured paper

5 Easy steps

1. Glue the base of a cupcake paper onto the end of an ice block stick.

2. Cut paper flowers out of the coloured paper and glue inside the cupcake papers. You can create as many layers as you like.

3. Place a button in the middle of the flowers and decorate them with the glitter and other collage materials, making each one unique.

4. Once the cupcake flowers are dry press some play dough inside the container and then push the flowers into the play dough.

5. Decorate the small container with the remaining collage materials.

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Source: This article has been written by Creators, a nationwide service offering quality home-based care and education. Creators are passionate about seeing every child’s unique talent being recognized and nurtured.

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