
The benefits of sharing a nanny

Looking for childcare options? Sharing a nanny with another like-minded family or families maybe a more affordable solution than you might think when it comes to looking after your children. Nanny sharing allows you to share the cost of hiring a nanny, offers the flexibility for them to fit in with your schedule and provides extra help around your home too.
Sharing a nanny with another like-minded family or families maybe a more affordable childcare solution than you might think when it comes to looking after your children.

Nanny sharing allows you to share the cost of hiring a nanny, offers the flexibility for them to fit in with your schedule and provides extra help around your home too. 

Check out this real-life story of two mums who decided to nanny share. A testimony to Lisa and Angela, the proud mums of Stella and Ant, both almost 2 years old.

The benefits of sharing a nanny


What is a nanny share?

A nanny share, is pretty much what it sounds like; instead of working for just one family, a nanny cares for the child or children of two or more families at the same time.

Benefits of a nanny share

Each family can enjoy the flexibility and excellent care of a nanny whilst also sharing the costs.

For Angela, “Hiring a nanny takes the stress away from morning and evening routines. Our children also learn and grow in their own environment”.

For both mums, flexibility is the main advantage. As an employer you set the schedule and a nanny can help accommodate work emergencies or child illness.

In addition to childcare duties, nannies complete general household chores. “At the end of the day, all we have to do is relax and enjoy time with our children” says Lisa.

Families can share their nanny full-time or part-time. Angela and Lisa share 3 days a week and each child spends an extra day alone with the nanny.

“Our children get the best of both worlds; they get one-on-one attention while getting socialisation with their peers. They have developed an amazing sibling like relationship and they are full of excitement on the days they spend together”, comments Angela.

Arranging a nanny share

The friends found their nanny through a professional nanny placement agency. ”Using an agency makes the hiring process a lot less stressful and time consuming” says Angela, “all nannies go through a strict interview process that includes a police vetting and reference check”.

Some agencies offer an early education programme which you can sign up to and receive Ministry of Education funding.

More kids nanny articles to enjoy:
Source: This article was written by Helene Girard at KiwiOz Nannies - NZ’s most referred nanny & educator placement agency.

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