
5 Ways to keep your nanny happy

Having a good relationship with your nanny is so important as it can have an effect on your whole family. Here are 5 quick tips to help keep your nanny happy and working for you for a little longer.

Having a good relationship with your nanny is so important as it can have an effect on your whole family.
Here are 5 quick tips to help keep your nanny happy and working for you for a little longer. 

1. Be professional

You are essentially your nanny's employer, so you need to be professional at all times.

This means keeping on top of your paperwork obligations and paying your nanny’s salary on the date that it's due.

It’s also a good idea to have some kind of petty cash system in place so that your nanny doesn’t have to dip into her own funds to pay for your expenses.

Nobody likes to talk about money and if your nanny is regularly asking for reimbursements, it may get uncomfortable.

Maintaining a professional relationship will earn you respect.

2. Communicate

Make sure you keep communicating about your children and other the important things happening in your home.

Have regular one-to-ones with your nanny, on an informal basis if possible and without your children, to highlight and discuss any concerns from either party.

The longer something is left unsaid, the bigger the problems will become.

3. Manage your expectations

From the very beginning of your relationship, you should explain your expectations to your nanny.

For example, if you want her to undertake other household duties in addition to caring for the children or have a specific way you would like her to do things, then establish this early on.

You will have expectations of your nanny, but if you don’t communicate your expectations, they are unlikely to be met and all parties end up unhappy and dissatisfied.

4. Set some boundaries

It’s important your children know that your nanny is in charge when she is working.

Let her know you trust and respect her decisions, which will make her feel valued.

5. Show your appreciation

Your nanny isn’t a competitor she’s an asset, so treat her with care.

Let her know you appreciate her, give her an occasional bonus or an unexpected perk.

Respect her free time too because even if she lives under your roof, she’s not on call 24 hours a day.

Make sure the children know that your nanny is ‘out of bounds’ on her days off and that mummy/daddy are in charge.

If your nanny feels appreciated then she’ll be happy in her work.

More kids nanny articles to enjoy:

Source: This article was written by RockMyBaby - one of the largest Nanny Agencies and leading childcare recruitment experts providing families with professional, high quality babysitters, nannies, Karitane nurses, infant maternity services and postnatal home help.
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