At some point most babies get a touch of nappy rash, a red blotchy and sometimes spotty and sore, area in their nappy area. Sometimes the whole area is affected and at others times it may only appear in one area. We take a look at some of the causes of nappy rash and some tips on how to deal with it.
Sometimes the whole area is affected and at others times it may only appear in one area.
We take a look at some of the causes of nappy rash and some tips on how to treat it.
5 Tips on dealing with nappy rash
1. Are nappies the cause?
There is no evidence to suggest that babies are more likely to get nappy rash in cloth nappies than they are in disposable nappies.
In fact, some studies have found that babies wearing 100% cotton cloth nappies, which are both cool and breathable next to their skin, are 5 times less likely to get nappy rash than those in disposable nappies which contain plastics, perfumes and chemical gels.
If your baby does seem to be sensitive to cloth nappies, it is most likely to be the washing powder or process that will be the problem, rather than the nappies themselves.
Detergents are alkaline while your baby’s skin is slightly acidic.
2. Other causes of nappy rash
Some children may develop nappy rash if they are sensitive or have allergies to certain foods.
If you find that your baby is developing nappy rash after pooing, even if you are changing them almost immediately, it might be worth considering what they are eating.
Oranges or other acidic food can cause problems for some children, leading to nappy rash.
Teething is another common cause of nappy rash, and many children who have previously had no problems get nappy rash when they start teething.
The increase in saliva due to teething affects their poo, leading to nappy rash.
Nappy rash can also be triggered by illness, different types of medication, skincare products and bottom creams, washing powders and disposable nappy liners, amongst others.
3. 5 ways to deal with nappy rash
1. Changing your baby often when wet or soiled, whether in disposable or cloth nappies, is the best way to avoid nappy rash.
2. Plenty of nappy-free time is a good way to help deal with nappy rash too.
3. Barrier creams can help, but may coat the fibres of your baby’s nappies stopping them from being so absorbent. A flushable liner can prevent this from happening, protecting the nappy.
4. If you are using cloth nappies, we suggest you always add an extra rinse cycle to your nappy wash to extract any remaining detergent.
5. It is also worth using only half the usual amount of washing powder in a wash or even using a liquid which should leave less of a residue. In areas with chlorinated (and therefore more alkaline water), a tablespoon of vinegar will help to restore the ph balance.
4. Natural remedies
You may like to try natural and effective cloth-friendly barriers to help ease your baby’s rash. These include:
5. Bad nappy rash
If your little one starts to suffer with really bad nappy rash, particularly with broken or bleeding skin then you should visit the doctor as soon as possible.
It may be that they have developed thrush and need an anti-fungal treatment.
Should this be the case, you will also need to hot wash all their cloth nappies to make sure that it has been killed and removed from them too.
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9 good reasons to use reusable nappiesSource: This article was written by Nappyneedz for all your cloth nappy needs!