
Symptoms & remedies for teething babies

Some babies breeze through the teething stage while others find it a very painful process. We take a look at teething symptoms and teething remedies to help ease the teething pain for your baby.
Some babies breeze through the teething stage while others find it a very painful process.

We take a look at teething symptoms and teething remedies to help ease the teething pain for your baby.

Symptoms & remedies for teething babies


Teething symptoms

Here are some of the symptoms you can look out for if you think your baby is teething.

Teething babies may have one or several of these symptoms, including:
  • Crying, restless, irritable and grizzly
  • Trouble sleeping or waking frequently
  • Fussy and clingy
  • One or both cheeks may be flushed red
  • Temperature may be slightly raised (37.2 - 37.9C)
  • Dribbling or drooling from more saliva being generated
  • Chewing on everything
  • Lack of appetite
  • Stools softer than usual (not diarrhoea)
  • Nappy rash
  • Swollen and tender gums as the teeth are cutting through
  • Facial rash from the dribbling.

If you are unsure about whether your baby is ill or teething, visit your GP or for emergencies dial 111.

Teething remedies

Here are some teething remedies you might like to try to help ease your baby's pain.
  • Offer your baby plenty of water or breastmilk to replace the fluids lost through dribble.
  • Distract your baby with plenty of hugs, talking, singing, toys and books.
  • Offer your baby food wrapped in muslin gauze (to prevent choking). Chilled bananas, watermelon and peeled apple are ideal.
  • Apply a barrier cream to the areas affected by dribbling, such as your baby's chin and neck.
  • Offer your baby a chilled teething ring to chew on.

Baby teething products

There are a range of baby teething products on the market you can try to help ease the teething process.

Just bear in mind that all babies are different, so a product that might work for one baby, may not work for another.

You may need to try several teething products to see which works best for your baby.

  • Teething rings (which can be chilled)
  • Medicated gels to rub on the gums
  • Teething powder

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Source: This article was written by Baltic Amber Beads.

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