
5 Ways to minimise the pain of vaccinations

Needle pricks can look a lot worse than they actually feel (especially if you are a parent watching!) and any pain your child feels is over very quickly. However the whole experience can be made a little easier with these 5 Tips to help reduce the pain of the needle next time your little one has a vaccination.
Needle pricks can look a lot worse than they actually feel (especially if you are a parent watching!) and any pain your child feels is over very quickly.

However the whole experience can be made a little easier with these 5 Tips to help reduce the pain of the needle next time your little one has a vaccination.

5 ways to minimise the pain of vaccinations


1. Cuddles

  • Studies show that babies and young children who are held closely when they receive their vaccinations are likely to cry less.

2. Breastfeeding

  • Breastfeeding immediately before or during the vaccination is likely to lessen the pain your little one feels. Plus, breastfeeding offers the cuddle benefit as well.

3. Something sweet

  • Put some sugar water on your little one's dummy or tongue right before the vaccination to help minimise the pain. That way they will tend to concentrate on the taste in their mouth rather than the injection that's about to happen.
  • Older children could be given a small lolly to suck on instead for the same effect.

4. Distraction

  • Many babies and young children can be easily distracted from anything, and that includes pain from vaccines.
  • Singing a song or nursery rhyme, holding up a favourite toy, blowing bubbles or reading a book can distract young children from the pain of a needle prick.

5. Pre-treating the area

  • Another way to help ease the pain is to apply an anesthetic cream to the area that will receive the needle before the vaccination happens.
  • Ask your GP or medical specialist if this is appropriate for your child and whether they can prescribe the cream for your little one.

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