
Rudolph the red nosed orange

Make your kids Christmas lunchboxes and snacks fun with Rudolph the red nose orange! Healthy to eat and easy to make! Fun to put in their Christmas stockings too.
Make your kids Christmas lunchboxes and snacks fun with Rudolph the red nose orange!

Healthy to eat and easy to make! Fun to put in their Christmas stockings too.

What you will need

  • 1 coloured pipe cleaner
  • 1 orange
  • Glue
  • 1 small red pompom
  • 2 googly eyes
  • Black permanent marker pen


1. Using the scissors, cut the pipe cleaner in half and mould each half into antlers.

2. Press the pointy end of the antlers into the orange.

3. Use the glue to stick on the 2 googly eyes and the red pompom for the nose.

4. Draw a smiley mouth on the orange using the black marker pen.

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