
5 Ways to make wonder a part of your child’s day

Your child was born full of wonder. Everything seen, tasted, touched, smelled is a first time experience met with exploration. These experiences lay the foundation of brain development and learning. What gets emphasized as important in the first 5 years of life, actually shapes how the brain functions.
Your child was born full of wonder. Everything seen, tasted, touched, smelled is a first time experience met with exploration.

These experiences lay the foundation of brain development and learning. What gets emphasized as important in the first 5 years of life, actually shapes how the brain functions.
Connecting to nature everyday is a key environment for wonder. Even more than wonder, studies show that time outdoors supports your child in every major developmental way - intellectually, emotionally, spiritually and physically. This is reflected in better creativity and problem solving.
Time in nature has also been shown to reduce ADD symptoms as well as improve social relations, reduce stress, and increase well-being.

And then there’s the wonder. Nature provides the perfect space for seeing the beauty of our world. It encourages creativity, and gratitude for its stunning range of shape, colour and texture.
The key to getting all the benefits is to make sure you and your child get frequent and very regular doses.
This is fantastic news for you as a parent, because it is something that you can provide so beautifully each day. You do not need wilderness to get the benefit of nature. A tree and a patch of grass will do perfectly.

5 Ways to make wonder part of your child's day

Here are 5 easy ways to make wonder a part of your child’s day:

1. Plant seeds
Sunflowers are brilliant in a small garden bed. Watch, talk to and water your plants regularly.

Or how about planting some cress seeds and creating your own Egg Cress Heads!
2. Go bird listening
The birds will tell you stories about your world. How many stories can you hear?

3. Collect
Collet small pieces of shell, stones, flower parts and leaves are all fair game for creating art or pretend meals.

4. Just add water
Water in any outdoor environment makes play so much fun. Containers, or a small hose or sprinkler bring the idea of flow to your child.
5. Watch the sky
Where is the wind coming from? What shapes do you see in the clouds? Can you find the sun? The moon?

Watching the sky is a great way to keep the sense of being part of something incredibly big and beautiful. 

When you realize how simple yet powerful daily outdoor time can be for your child, you will find many 'reasons' to play in that world. And, you yourself will get the benefit of the time spent outdoors.

You see as you create space for your child to be in wonder, you get some of that magic for yourself and feel more rested and less stressed.

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Source: Written by Becky Cashman - a Mum, grateful entrepreneur and irrepressible conversation-starter. As the founder of Goodbye Sandfly, she creates simple products that inspire big conversations. Conversations about peace, power, service + generosity.

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