Is your newborn baby having sleeping problems? These newborn sleep secrets will help encourage better sleep during the newborn stage. From how long they should stay awake to starting a bed time routine, differentiating between night and day and letting them self settle.
These newborn sleep secrets will help encourage better sleep during the newborn stage.
From how long they should stay awake to starting a bed time routine, differentiating between night and day and letting them self settle.
Newborn babies & sleep
Newborn babies rarely sleep for more than two to three hours at a time. Their little bellies just aren’t big enough to hold enough milk to keep them sleeping for longer than that initially. In saying that, they still need an awful lot of sleep – around 18 hours a day!
This can sometimes be a hard thing to manage. They need sleep, but they won’t always settle easily and they keep waking up.
These tips will help ensure your newborn baby gets enough sleep now, and learn to sleep longer when they’re developmentally ready.
4 Newborn baby sleep secrets
1. Keep your baby's wake time short
Newborn babies can only tolerate around 45 minutes of time awake. Yes, their stamina is that short!
Basically, you have time for a feed, nappy change, and a little bit of cuddle and play time, and then it’s time to go back to sleep. Your baby’s primary activity at this age should be sleeping!
If you keep that in mind and time it right, you’ll find your newborn baby will go back down a lot easier. Keeping an eye on the clock and putting them down at the 45 minute mark will go a lot more smoothly than if you keep them up for an hour or two, as it prevents them from getting overtired.
As a new parent, it can be tough to limit your wake time with your baby to only 6 hours a day, However there will be plenty of time for giggles, tickles, squeals and all of those other precious moments later on.
And you’ll get a lot more of them with a well-rested baby!
2. Helping your baby differentiate between day & night
By creating a clear separation and teaching newborn babies the difference between day and night will help them learn that day time is for active play and night time is for sleep.
This might seem like a challenge when your newborn seems to sleep or wake regardless of the hour. However, there are some things you can do now to create a clear separation between the two periods.
The first is to adopt an 'Eat-Play-Sleep pattern' of activity during the day. This will help prevent any kind of sleep/feed association that can disrupt your child’s sleep later on.
Feeding your baby when they wake from sleep, instead of just before going to sleep, is a flexible schedule that you can repeat throughout the day without worrying about set times.
You should also try to take your baby outside during the day to enjoy as much fresh air and natural light as possible.
Doctors say this helps set their circadian rhythm (their internal 24-hour clock that takes a newborn time to develop) and encourages them to sleep better at night.
And when your baby does wake during the night, keep the lights dim and ensure conversation is kept to a minimum. In this way they will learn that night time is for sleep and not a time for play.
3. Start a bedtime routine for your baby
Establishing a good bedtime routine right from day one is a great way to help your newborn baby organise days and nights and start to consolidate night sleep more quickly.
By following a consistent routine, you will teach your baby to look forward to bedtime and anticipate what is about to happen next.
Try starting the bedtime routine off with a bath. It’s such a significantly different experience to anything else that occurs during the day, that your baby will soon learn that a bath means bedtime is near.
Of course, if your baby absolutely hates baths, don’t force them to take one. Your bedtime routine should consist of fun and relaxing activities that both you and your little one can enjoy.
You could also incorporate baby massage, changing into pyjamas, feeding and kisses into your bedtime routine before putting your baby down for the night (and yes, you should expect to see them a few more times before morning at this age!).
4. Let your baby self settle
After the first month or so at home, it’s certainly worth putting your baby down in their bassinet or cot to self settle at least once a day.
Put them down drowsy at this age. This gives them the opportunity to practice settling – but does NOT mean you need to leave them to cry.
If they wake and cry, pick them up and calm them to the best of your ability, and try again a few more times to see if they will fall asleep without too much of your intervention.
Getting the timing right (see point 1) really helps with this step. It’s also important to pick the right time of day, when you’re both calm and your baby’s not overtired or over-stimulated. Mornings are often good.
And don’t worry about cuddling your baby to sleep at this age. There’s nothing better than holding a sleeping baby in your arms!
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Source: This article was written by Kim Corley, a certified sleep sense consultant at Cherished Sleep.