
The emotional benefits of swimming for babies

Swimming lessons can help babies develop an emotional bond through interaction with other children in their class and positive encouragement from their parents. Early swimming also fosters a growing sense of self-esteem, confidence, independence and as a child’s ability to freely move through the water increases - so does their sense of wellbeing.
There is a wide range of benefits available to babies and children who are taught to swim in a gentle, gradual pace.

From mental and physical benefits to emotional, developmental and social benefits that result from learning to swim at a young age.

The emotional benefits of swimming for babies 

Early swimming fosters a growing sense of self-esteem, confidence, independence and as a child’s ability to freely move through the water increases - so does their sense of wellbeing.
Time spent having fun and learning new things in the pool is an ideal opportunity for parents and children to bond in a relaxed and fun environment that they will both love being a part of.

Social skills and self esteem are developed through interaction with other children and positive encouragement from parents and any other family who watch them at swimming time. Your child will also develop a trusting relationship with you at the same time.

When parents are spending time face-to-face, skin-to-skin with their babies in the water, it is a very special time for both parties. Their bond increases through the swimming lessons and parents can also exercise their patience, encouragement and kindness towards their little one.

They will also learn more and more about their little person’s growing personality and how they approach new situations as they are challenged more and more.
Swimming allows babies to move independently before they are able to on dry land, which is vital to creating happy little people.

Babies can learn trust and boost their confidence and self-esteem through their swimming lessons, especially as they grow and do more and more on their own.

Swimming can be very empowering for babies, since it offers them a new sense of freedom as well as a way to play and explore the brand new world around them in a truly fun and relaxing way.

More kids sports articles to enjoy:
  • Easy ways to build your kids water confidence
  • Making the most of preschool swimming lessons
  • 8 Benefits of trampolining for kids

Source: This article was written by Northern Arena. Call 09-421-9700 for more information.


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