
Easy beezies

Follow these easy steps on how to make an awesome bee to pop up in a flower pot or hang from the ceiling using an old mustard bottle, some electrical tape and a few other bits and bobs lying around the house!
Follow these easy steps on how to make an awesome bee to pop up in a flower pot or hang from the ceiling using an old mustard bottle, some electrical tape and a few other bits and bobs lying around the house.

To make your own Easy Beezies

  • Mustard bottle
  • 4 Pipe cleaners (2 large and 2 small)
  • Plastic eyes or a pen to draw them on
  • Button
  • Pencil
  • PVA glue
  • Black electrical

7 Easy steps

1. Secure the lid of the mustard bottle on with PVA glue.

2. Tape 3 strips of black electrical tape around the body of the bottle.

3. Place two holes close together near the base of the mustard bottle – these will be
where the antennae are placed.

4. Curl the ends of the two small pipe cleaners for the antennae and poke them into
the holes.

5. Create the wings using the two large pipe cleaners by folding them over and twisting the ends together.

6. Using the PVA glue, stick on Easy Beezie's plastic eyes or draw them on with a pen. Glue on his button nose and draw a smile. After gluing leave your Easy Beezie to dry.

7. Carefully make a hole in the underside of your Easy Beezie and put a pencil in it. Now your Easy Beezie can be put into the garden or a pot plant.

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Source: This article has been written by Creators, a nationwide service offering quality home-based care and education. Creators are passionate about seeing every child’s unique talent being recognized and nurtured.

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