
Christmas pudding sandwich

Kids will love this fun Christmas pudding sandwich for their lunch or morning tea. It's easy to make and a healthy snack too.
Kids will love this fun Christmas lunch or morning tea idea.

The Christmas pudding sandwich is easy to make and a healthy snack too.


To make one Christmas pudding sandwich you will need:

  • 2 slices of whole wheat bread
  • Butter
  • Round cookie cutter
  • 1 small sharp knife
  • 1 thin square slice of cheese
  • 1 drinking straw
  • 1 basil leaf
  • 1 cherry tomato cut in half

Make your Christmas pudding sandwich

1. Spread the 2 slices of bread with the butter.

2. Put both slices of bread together to make a sandwich.

3. Cut a circle into the sandwich using the cookie cutter.

4. Using the knife, cut a wavy shape into one half of the slice of cheese and add it to the top of the sandwich circle to form the ‘custard’.

5. Use the end of the drinking straw to cut out small circles from the second half of the cheese.

6. Scatter the small circles on top of the sandwich (see image).

7. Add a basil leaf on top of the ‘custard’ to form the holly leaves.

8. Cut the cherry tomato in half and lie it on top of the basil leaf to form the holly berries.

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Source: littlefoodjunction

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