
Painting with marshmallows

Who knew painting with marshmallows could be so much fun! It’s really easy to set up and a great activity to help toddlers and preschoolers develop their fine motor skills.
Who knew painting with marshmallows could be so much fun!

It’s really easy to set up and a great activity to help toddlers and preschoolers develop their fine motor skills. 

Painting with marshmallows


What you’ll need

  • Small pots or old muffin trays for the paints
  • Bag of marshmallows (different sizes or all the same)
  • Toothpicks (optional)
  • Paper or card for painting on

What you need to do

1. Firstly pour each of your paint colours into small pots or an old muffin tray.

2. Attach the marshmallows to the toothpicks to form mini paint brushes. This is optional as kids can also use their fingers to pick up the marshmallows.

3. Hold onto the end of the toothpicks and dip the marshmallows into the paints and start painting onto the card or paper. It's as easy as that!

More kids activities to enjoy: Image source: learn-play-imagine

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