
Make your own sparkly finger paints

Kids love painting with their fingers, but don't let the mess scare you! Sparkly finger paints are a great sensory play activity which will capture their attention longer than any other painting project! Check out this super easy recipe and make some sparkly finger paints at home.
Kids love painting with their fingers, but don't let the mess scare you!

Sparkly finger paints are a great sensory play activity which will capture their attention longer than any other painting project!

Make your own sparkly finger paints

Check out this super easy sparkly finger paints recipe and make some at home.

What you will need for your sparkly finger paints

  • 2 cups of cold water
  • 1/2 cup cornflour
  • 3 tablespoons sugar
  • Liquid watercolour paints or food colouring in different colours
  • Glitter (different colours or all the same colour)
  • Saucepan
  • Whisk
  • Small containers or empty yoghurt pots
  • Wooden spoon
  • Paper for painting on

How to make sparkly finger paints

1. Make the paint base by combining the water, cornflour and sugar in the saucepan and cook on a medium heat, tirring constantly with a whisk. Heat until the mixture is thick.

2. Divide the paint base equally into small containers or yoghurt pots.

3. Add a few drops of watercolour paint or food colouring to each pot or container, using a different colour for each.

4. The amount of watercolour paint or food colouring you add is up to you. The more drops you add to each pot, the more vibrant the paint will be.

5. Sprinkle a few pinches of glitter into each pot or container to get the effect you want.

6. Stir in the glitter with the wooden spoon until it is fully combined.

7. Get the paper at the ready and the kids are all set to start painting with their fingers!

Tips for sparkly finger paints

  • The paint will be very hot when you take it off the stove. Do not let your kids touch it before it has time to cool all the way through.
  • As the finger paint cools it may become a bit clumpy. If this happens, add a tiny drop of water and stir well.  Don't add too much water otherwise the paint will become too runny.
  • The finger paint dries best if it isn't painted too thick on the paper.
  • The finger paint will keep for a few days in an airtight container in the fridge. If it is stiff and clumpy when you pull it out, whisk it for a minute or so to get it light and fluffy before painting again.

More kids activity articles to enjoy: Source: learnplayimagine

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