The are many advantages when it comes to home-based childcare and it is now the fastest growing type of early childhood education in New Zealand. Time and time again research shows that group size and child to adult ratios are key factors in quality outcomes for children. Find out if home-based childcare is suitable for your little one.
Time and time again research shows that group size and child to adult ratios are key factors in quality outcomes for children.
Home-based childcare enables a close and trusting relationship between your child and caregiver, fostering strong emotional development and attachment.
Find out if home-based childcare is suitable for your little one.
1. Benefits of home-based childcare
Whether your child is cared for in your own home or at someone else’s place, here are some of the benefits of home-based care to help you decide if it is right for your child:
2. Who should care for my child?
While home-based care providers can certainly assist in matching you with caregivers in your area, the right person may be right under your nose.
Did you know that a family member, friend or trusted neighbour can care for your child and receive all of the support that a paid nanny or educator would receive?
The Ministry of Education offers funding to provide support from an early childhood teacher to help your chosen caregiver with your child’s learning and development.
You are still eligible for subsidies such as the Work and Income childcare subsidy, even if the caregiver is related to the child.
3. Why link up with a home-based care service?
Home-based care providers vary greatly so it is important to do your research and ask lots of questions.
Every provider should have registered and trained teachers who will visit your child and their caregiver.
Ensure police checks are carried out as well as health and safety checks.
You can also access the Education Review Office (ERO) report, which is a government assessment of the performance of all early education establishments in the country.
A quality home-based care service will provide:
4. Questions to ask a home-based provider
Here are a few questions you can ask a potential home-based provider before signing up to their service:
Don’t forget to visit their website and read their ERO report too.
5. Have you thought of becoming a caregiver?
Becoming a nanny or in-home caregiver can be a way to stay at home with your own child whilst earning an income caring for other children and gaining a more social environment for your child.
There may be friends from your coffee group, play group, friends of family who would love to have someone they already know care for their child.
If not, you can sign up to a home-based childcare provider so families in your area can be put in touch with you.
Look for a service that gives you the choice of setting your own rates and conditions and gives you the choice of organising the payment of wages or having your own arrangement with the other parents.
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Source: This article has been written by Creators, a nationwide service offering quality home-based care and education. Creators are passionate about seeing every child’s unique talent being recognized and nurtured.
Image source: australianchildcarecourses