
8 Tips on kids asthma & sleepovers

Sleepovers with friends and family can be lots for fun for young kids. However if they or one of their friends has asthma, it pays to do a little planning up front. A new or unfamiliar environment can pose unforeseen problems that could trigger a child’s asthma, so good communication beforehand is key.
Sleepovers with friends and family can be lots for fun for young kids. However if they or one of their friends has asthma, it pays to do a little planning up front.

It's important ensure that you or the adults in charge are fully prepared and understand what to do should a child experience an asthma attack during a sleepover and in your/their care.
A new or unfamiliar environment can pose unforeseen problems that could trigger a child’s asthma, so good communication beforehand is key.


8 Tips on kids asthma & sleepovers

Here are some helpful tips to think about before your little one heads off or hosts their next sleepover.


1. Ensure your kids asthma is under control

  • Before agreeing to a sleepover, make sure your child’s asthma is well controlled before allowing them to stay the night, especially if they’ve never stayed at the place or with the same person before.

2. Have an asthma management plan

  • The adults in charge should be given an up-to-date copy of your child’s asthma management plan as well as enough medication to last the entire stay, plus some extra just in case.
  • Put all of your child’s medications as well as a copy of their written asthma action plan into a small bag that can be easily accessed should they need it.
  • For younger children, the small bag should be given to the adult in charge, ensuring that they understand what general care is needed as well as what they need to do in case of emergency.

3. Ensure the house is smoke free

  • The sleepover house should be cigarette/smoke free so as not to trigger your child's asthma.

4. Check for pet allergies

  • Make sure there are no animals in the house if your child is allergic to pets.

5. Reduce dust allergies

  • While it is not possible to ensure the sleepover house is dust-free, you can provide your child with a sleeping bag or other bedding to help reduce possible symptoms.
  • If they are going to be sleeping on the floor you may want to send along a plastic sheet or sleeping mat for between the carpet and their bedding if dust or dust mites are a trigger for their asthma.

6. Manage activities

  • Make sure that both the adult in charge and your child with asthma are aware of possible activities that may be an issue such as pillow fights, hide-and-seek, playing in high pollen areas etc.

7. Mention food allergies

  • Confirming what your child is going to be given to eat may also be a consideration if they have any food intolerances or allergies.

8. Remember to take all asthma management instructions

  • As well as their asthma medication, make sure your child takes along full instructions on how to use their inhaler, how much medication is required and what to do in the event of an asthma attack so that the adult in charge is fully prepared.

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Source: The Asthma Foundation’s Sensitive Choice® programme - helping you identify asthma and allergy-aware products.
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