
Make your own wet wipes

Wet wipes have to be one of the most useful things you can carry around when you have a baby or little one in tow! Homemade wet wipes are easy to make and a lot cheaper than buying shop-bought wipes. By making your own wet wipes you’ll know what ingredients have gone into them too.
Wet wipes have to be one of the most useful things you can carry around when you have a baby or little one in tow!

Homemade wet wipes are easy to make and a lot cheaper than buying shop-bought wipes. By making your own wet wipes you’ll know what ingredients have gone into them too.

To make your own wet wipes you will need:

  • 1 tablespoon baby oil
  • 1 tablespoon baby shampoo or baby wash
  • 2 cups boiled water
  • Strong kitchen paper towels
  • Water-tight plastic container


  • Fold your paper towels in half and layer them on top of each other in a suitable plastic container sized to fit. You can even use an old shop-bought wet wipes container.
  • Continue folding and adding the paper towels until the container is full.
  • Mix all the other ingredients together, adding the water last.
  • Slowly pour the mixture onto the dry paper towels.
  • As the mixture reaches half way turn the paper towels over so that the mixture is thoroughly absorbed.
  • As the paper towels begin to shrink you can fold and add more paper towels to the container and slowly pour over the remaining mixture.
  • Once you've finished adding the mixture, put on the lid until you're ready to use.
NB: if your container is not water-tight the mixture may drip out, so you may want to use the wet wipes when you’re at home rather than when you’re out and a about. 
Source: This article was written by BJ's Childcare Services.

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