
Make your own natural baby bottom balm

This recipe is very easy to make. If you can melt something in a saucepan, you can make this natural baby bottom balm! Perfect for nappy rash.

This recipe is very easy to make. If you can melt something in a saucepan, you can make this natural baby bottom balm! Perfect for nappy rash.


  • 15g beeswax
  • 25ml calendula oil
  • 60ml sweet almond oil
  • A few drops each of Lavender Essential Oil & Chamomile Essential Oil (Optional)
  • Saucepan
  • Glass jar

To make approx 100g of balm

  • Melt the beeswax in a saucepan over a low heat. 
  • Once melted, add in the oils & stir to combine. 
  • Pour the mixture into a jar to set.
  • Once set, it's ready to use!


  • The beeswax can be bought in pellets, but any form is fine.
  • An old baby food jar is ideal for storing the balm, but any glass jar will work.
  • Shop online for the beeswax & oils & save money. Try Go Native, Soapcraft, Lotus Oils or even Trade Me.

For best results use it all up within a year.
Source: Oh Natural Beauty Review

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