
Tips on settling young babies

Settling young babies and getting them to sleep can be one of the hardest tasks to achieve as a parent. Before you know it, getting your young baby to sleep and to settle has become one of the most challenging things you have to deal with. These useful settling and sleep tips will help make your life a little easier.
Settling young babies and getting them to sleep can be one of the hardest tasks to achieve as a parent.

For the first two weeks or so newborn babies just sleep and feed. However, after those two weeks they are also starting to become used to their sleep environment.

Before you know it, getting your young baby to sleep and to settle has become one of the most challenging things you have to deal with.

These useful settling and sleep tips will help make your life a little easier.

Tips on settling young babies


1. Putting your baby down to sleep

Either put your baby down when they’re drowsy or awake, but not when they’re asleep.

You want to create an atmosphere of recognition around their sleep area.

For them to see the same pictures on the wall, the same toys and the same bed will create a confident sleeper.

They will also feel more secure when they wake up.

One of the reasons why babies don’t sleep well in their own beds is because they have fallen asleep in their parents’ arms and woken up in a different place.

2. Swaddling your baby

Swaddling young babies is a great way to comfort them and give them a sense of security when it’s time to sleep.

Swaddles can also help them to sleep longer and more solidly.

However, be aware that not all babies enjoy being swaddled.

3. Sleep settling techniques

When settling your baby into their bassinet or cot, place one hand under them and your other hand on their chest.

Then once you feel the mattress, remove your bottom hand and keep your other hand firmly on your baby’s chest or side for a few minutes.

This will allow your baby to still feel the comfort of your presence.

You can also gently relax them with small hand movements and shushing.

4. Stay incognito

One of the most important tips when settling young babies is to keep out of their eyesight.

Your baby is not going to settle and close their eyes if you or anyone else is watching them trying to fall asleep.

This is why sometimes rolling your baby on their side facing away from you works better when settling. You can then move them back onto their back once they’re asleep.

5. Be consistent

If your baby wakes up after a certain amount of time, repeat the settling process until you have success or until your baby is too unsettled to keep going.

If you baby doesn’t settle, pick them up but try not to leave the room.

Once settled in your arms, put them back down into their bassinet or cot and repeat the resettling process.

You may need to do this several times to create a successful outcome.

Once you start a settling routine, don’t look back. Be consistent at every sleep to prevent any confusion for your baby.

Source: This article was kindly written for us by Trish Martin – Baby Specialist. Providing support and advice for you and your baby.
Image source: Bagbaik

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