
5 Common myths about SIDS

SIDS, or Sudden Infant Death Syndrome, is a risk for babies under the age of 1 years old. You may already know about some of the contributing factors which can cause SIDS, but there are also common myths and misconceptions out there that parents should know about too. It’s really important to dispel these myths which may prevent parents from taking the necessary steps to protect their baby.
SIDS, or Sudden Infant Death Syndrome, is a risk for babies under the age of 1 years old.

You may already know about some of the contributing factors which can cause SIDS, but there are also common myths and misconceptions out there that parents should know about too.

It’s really important to dispel these myths which may prevent parents from taking the necessary steps to protect their baby.

5 Common myths about SIDS


1. SIDS Myth: Laying your baby on their back increases their risk of choking

Babies spit up a lot, even when they sleep. Some parents mistakenly believe if a baby spits up while they’re laying on their back that they’ll choke on it.

That used to be a commonly held theory, but doctors now say that there is no basis to it.

When babies do spit up in their sleep, they can turn their heads and keep their airways safe.

2. SIDS Myth: Parents can hear SIDS happening & prevent it

SIDS happens silently and quickly. There’s a good chance parents won’t even be aware that it 's happening, whether it’s during the day or at night.

This myth might be one of the most harmful ones as parents can feel that they’re to blame, even when they’ve done everything right.

3. SIDS Myth: Putting a baby on their back is enough to stop SIDS

While babies should all sleep on their back because it has dramatically cut down on deaths from SIDS, it’s not a cure all.

The sad reality is that some babies are going to die from SIDS, even if they do sleep on their backs. But some of those deaths are because parents don’t always follow safe sleeping practices.

Some of those practices include bed sharing with infants, letting them sleep with pillows and stuffed animals, and overestimating how warm a baby has to be while sleeping.

It’s imperative to make sure your baby has their own surface to sleep on, one that doesn’t include you.

If you want to be right by your baby, consider using a co-sleeper.

4. SIDS Myth: Hooking babies up to monitors will prevent SIDS

According to doctors, hooking your baby up to a monitor every time they go to sleep doesn't seem to prevent SIDS.

Monitors might give you piece of mind, but they won't stop SIDS from happening.

5. SIDS Myth: You need to move your baby to their back if they move

Your baby should always, without exception, be placed on their back to go to sleep.

But what happens after your baby gets a bit older? If they roll over, do you have to keep repositioning them on their back?

The answer to that is no. By the time a baby reaches 6 months old, the risk of dying from SIDS decreases dramatically.

And once your baby reaches the age where they can roll over by themselves, they are usually developed enough to realise when something is wrong and roll back over.

More baby articles to enjoy:
Source: This article was written for us by Jenny Silverstone at Mom Loves Best –
Image source: Raisingchildren

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