
6 Ways to keep babies cool in hot weather

Keeping babies cool during the hot summer months isn’t always easy, but here are some useful tips that will help keep them a little cooler when warmer weather strikes.
Keeping babies cool during the hot summer months isn’t always easy, but here are some useful tips that will help keep them a little cooler when warmer weather strikes.

6 Ways to keep babies cool in hot weather

1. Dress your baby in cool clothing

During the day dress your baby in light layers so you can take them off as the weather heats up.

Choose breathable fabrics like cotton or linen.

Keep nightwear and bedclothes to a minimum as well.

2. Keep your baby’s bedroom cool

Try to keep your baby’s blinds and curtains closed during the day to minimise the heat from the sun entering the room.

A nursery thermometer or a baby's room thermometer will take out any guesswork and help you monitor the temperature of your baby's room.

Your baby will sleep most comfortably when their room is between 16C (61F) and 20C (68F).

3. Keep your baby’s skin cool

Run your baby a luke-warm or slightly cooler bath before bedtime or even during the day if they’re getting hot and bothered.

It will help refresh them before bedtime and relieve any clamminess.

A luke-warm bath or slightly cooler bath than usual might help to refresh your baby before bedtime and relieve any clamminess.

Try cooling them with a gentle sponge wash.

4. Choose cool bedding for your baby

Choose only cotton sheets and avoid any waterproof mattress covering as this will hold heat and make your baby sweat.

Remove all liners or padding from around their bassinet or cot too to help improve airflow while your baby sleeps.

5. Travel when it’s cooler

If you have to drive anywhere, try to avoid the hotter parts of the day.

Also, use sunshades on your car windows to help protect your baby from the sun when they're in the capsule or car seat.

6. Increase ventilation

During the day, open all the windows in your house if you can to create a breeze throughout the house to help keep your baby (and you!) cool.

If you’re heading outside, look for a protected spot, such as under a tree, an umbrella, or a canopy. Make sure there is plenty of ventilation.

Use a fan if you have one, but don’t point it towards your baby to cool them down, just use it to keep the air circulating.

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