
Top Toddler Tips

Toddlers can be lots of fun! Our first-hand experience, tips and ideas will help navigate you through the early years and make life just that little bit easier.
Toddlers can be lots of fun! Our first-hand experience, tips and ideas will help navigate you through the early years and make life just that little bit easier.

Our tips include:
  • Use everyday activities for learning. Count your way up stairs; point out different colours; listen for interesting noises.
  • Keep a full change of clothes in the car - those wet/mucky moments will no longer be a big drama!
  • Finding it hard to get toddler to eat a healthy evening meal? Try a main meal at lunchtime and opt for a lighter snack at tea time.
  • Picky eater? Get your little one to help put together a simple meal. It's amazing how much is consumed in the process!
  • Toddlers love meatballs and they are a great place to hide vegies - grated carrot, courgettes and more! Toss them in homemade tomato sauce.
  • A night light can help solve bedtime issues.
  • Let your little one help bake cookies or a cake. They will love licking the spoon. Very messy but great fun!
  • Carry a couple of balloons in your handbag. Great for those moments out and about when your toddler needs amusement.
  • Find fun ways to teach your toddler computer skills.
  • Having trouble getting them to eat well? Try a 'funky lunch'!

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Source: This article was written by the team at Bambina.

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