
5 Easy ways preschoolers can help out at home

Preschoolers love to be a part of what you’re doing, so why not encourage them to help you out with simple chores around the house. Give them jobs they can do by themselves or with a little help from you. Have a look at these ideas on how to get your preschooler started with some basic chores.
Preschoolers love to be a part of what you’re doing, so why not encourage them to help you out with simple chores around the house.

Give them jobs they can do by themselves or with a little help from you.

They will love to be involved and you’ll end up with a clean and tidier house in the process!

By giving them easy chores, you will help them to learn new skills which they can build on as they get older.

5 Easy ways preschoolers can help out at home

Here are a few ideas on how to start your kids on chores around your house:

1. In the garden

Your preschooler could help out by raking up any fallen leaves, picking up toys that are littered across the garden or by watering or planting flowers or veges.

2. Dusting

Give your preschooler a duster or damp cloth and ask them to dust a specific area or a room in the house. Areas that are easy for them to reach and don’t have too many breakable or precious items in them.

3. Sweeping & vacuuming

Preschoolers often find sweeping and vacuuming a fun activity! It’s also a pretty straight-forward chore that young kids can tackle on their own.

4. Tidying their bedroom

Start by asking your preschooler to pick up their toys when they’ve finished playing with them and to put any dirty clothes into the laundry basket. Teach them how to make their bed too, although it may take a while for them to master!

5. Dinnertime

Teach your preschooler how to set the table for dinner with cutlery and plates. Once dinner is over, get them to take the dirty dishes to the kitchen for washing. They could perhaps help with washing the dishes by hand too or by putting them into the dishwasher.

Source: This article was kindly written for us by Jules Hopkins at House Tipster.

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