
Introducing maths to preschoolers

There are lots of fun ways preschoolers can learn about maths before they even start school and growing a love for maths is easy to encourage at home. Have a look at these ideas on how to help your preschooler to enjoy maths from an early age.
There are lots of fun ways preschoolers can learn about maths before they even start school and growing a love for maths is easy to encourage at home.

Preschoolers already use mathematical concepts everyday, perhaps without realising.

Activities such as basic cooking and baking (measuring, portioning), playing sports or games (time and points), shopping (counting out items), building (measuring, matching, size and shape) can all help your preschooler to learn new mathematical concepts.

Introducing maths to preschoolers


10 Ways to introduce maths to preschoolers

Have a look at these ideas on how to help your preschooler to enjoy maths from an early age:

1. When toddlers and preschoolers start to learn about numbers and counting, they will often count out loud before they understand what the numbers mean. Start by encouraging them to count to five. Once they’ve achieved this confidently, move on to counting to 10, 15, 20 and so on.

2. You can support your preschooler's understanding of numbers by linking counting to meaningful experiences such putting on 1 t-shirt and it goes over 1 head and 2 arms - if the top has buttons, count the buttons as you fasten them.

3. Use a blackboard or paper and colourful crayons and get your preschooler to learn to write numbers for themselves. Again start from 1-5 then slowly progress to higher numbers when they’re feeling more confident.

4. Nursery rhymes such as ‘Ten in a bed’ are a great way for young children to learn about subtraction in a fun way.

5. When you’re out and about look at numbers on letterboxes and ask questions such as what number comes before this one and what number comes after.

6. Get your preschooler to read the numbers on road signs and car number plates to help with their number recognition.

7. At home they might like to count out the number of plates required for dinner, or learn about cutting food into halves or quarters, and placing equal portions onto a plate for everyone.

8. Introduce numbers and counting using hopscotch in the backyard. It’s fun to play and they’re learning at the same time.

9. Snakes and ladders and skittles are also good games for preschoolers to play and helps them to learn about counting and numbers.

10. Build different sized towers using Lego of Duplo, counting the bricks as you go.

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Source: This article was written by Nurtured At Home - providing high quality learning environments in a safe and nurturing home.
Image source: simplefunforkids

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