
Baby bath time essentials

So what do you need when it comes to bathing your baby? Check out these essential baby bath time items to help make your life a little easier.
So what do you need when it comes to bathing your baby?

Check out these essential baby bath time items to help make your life a little easier.

Baby bath time essentials


1. Baby baths

  • Baby baths come in a range of shapes, sizes and colours, so choose something that’s going to suit you both.
  • Make sure you place the bath on a firm surface when you're bathing your baby. Ideally at waist height to avoid having to bend down and lift them in and out of the bath.
  • Some parents put the baby bath inside the main bath or use the kitchen sink or bathroom basin if it isn’t too small.

2. Baby thermometers

  • A baby bath thermometer is a good investment and will change colour when the temperature is just right, 35 - 38oC.
  • It’s a good idea to run the cold water first and top up with hot water, rather than trying to cool down a bath that’s too hot.
  • Use your elbow to test the water temperature, which should just be warm to the touch. 

3. Baby flannels & sponges

  • You can buy any number of baby-sized flannels and cloths to make it easier to get into their little crevices, but a normal flannel or sponge will work just as well.
  • As well as washing their body, you can squeeze a flannel or sponge full of water over your baby’s head too to help rinse their hair.

4. Baby shampoos & body washes

  • There are lots of specially designed baby shampoos and body washes on the market. However make sure you check the labels and use products that are as natural as possible against your baby’s skin.


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