
Make your own gloop

Have a go at making your own gloop at home with this easy recipe and ingredients from your pantry. Gloop is an interesting mixture with a unique texture that toddlers and preschoolers will love to explore and play with. It’s great for moulding and developing their fine motor skills too.
Have a go at making your own gloop at home with this easy recipe and ingredients from your pantry.

Gloop is an interesting mixture with a unique texture that toddlers and preschoolers will love to explore and play with.

It’s great for moulding and developing their fine motor skills too.

Gloop offers young children a range of sensory experiences, and the opportunity to learn about different textures and materials.

It’s a fun messy play activity and science activity in one!

Make your own gloop


Ingredients for making gloop

  • 1 cup of cold water
  • 2 cups of cornflour
  • Food colouring (optional)

You will also need:
  • A bowl for mixing up the gloop mixture
  • A spoon for stirring the gloop mixture
  • Large shallow container for playing with the gloop
  • An ice cream container or plastic container with a lid to store the gloop once your kids have finished playing with it.
  • Utensils, spoons, cups, small toys etc for your kids to use when they're playing with the gloop

How to make gloop

1. Slowly add one cup of cold water to two cups of cornflour in a bowl.

2. Stir the mixture until the water is absorbed by the cornflour.

3. Add a few drops of food colouring to brighten up the gloop and to add some colour to the mixture (optional). 

3. Put the gloop in an ice cream container or large container with the spoons, cups and other utensils and you’re ready to go!

Your toddler or preschooler can just use their fingers too to play with the mixture for a fun sensory experience.

4. Once your little one has finished playing, put the gloop into the ice cream or plastic container, put the lid on and store it in the fridge for next time.
Gloop Tips

As you begin to add the water to the cornflour, you will be able to make a range of different textures.

Gloop will seem solid when it is touched, but then it can be moulded and becomes wet.

Gloop can get messy, so you might want your toddler or preschooler to head outside to play with it or perhaps put down a tarpaulin or waterproof sheet inside to protect your flooring.

If the mixture solidifies in the fridge, add a little water to bring it back to life.

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Source: This article was kindly provided by Nurtured At Home - providing high quality learning environments in a safe and nurturing home.

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