
Why sign up for preschool tennis lessons

Keen for your preschooler to play tennis? Preschool tennis lessons provide a great introduction to the game in a fun environment. Preschool tennis lessons come with lots of benefits too. They teach preschoolers valuable life skills such as teamwork, dedication and self-confidence, and offer a whole host of physical, social, emotional and developmental benefits as well.
Keen for your preschooler to play tennis? Preschool tennis lessons provide a great introduction to the game in a fun environment.
Preschool tennis lessons come with lots of benefits too.

They teach preschoolers valuable life skills such as teamwork, dedication and self-confidence, and offer a whole host of physical, social, emotional and developmental benefits as well. 

Why sign up for preschool tennis lessons

Preschool tennis lessons are designed specifically with young children in mind, so they often use modified equipment such as smaller tennis courts, shorter tennis racquets, lower nets and softer balls.
That way preschoolers learn to play an adult version of the game without being put off by huge courts, heavy racquets and balls that bounce too high.
Group coaching sessions are invaluable and can help to teach your preschooler social skills, sportsmanship and teamwork.

Getting involved in tennis is a great way for preschoolers to make friends and meet new people too. Although it’s essentially an individual sport, you can’t play tennis on your own!
Tennis is also a great game for preschoolers to learn from an early age and continue to play and improve on when they’re an adult too. It will help them to:
  • Learn basic swing patterns & ball tracking
  • Learn how to participate & play with others
  • Improve their hand-eye coordination
  • Build their bone strength
  • Increase their agility and flexibility
  • Improve their gross motor skills & fine motor skills
  • Increase their immune system and resistance to illness 
  • Learn patience, cooperation & self-control
Source: This article was kindly written for us by Albany Tennis Park

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