
Make you own popsicle Christmas tree

Be creative and have a go at your own Christmas decorations with the kids. This Popsicle Christmas Tree is easy to make and will look good on your family tree. All you need are ice block sticks, glue and collage materials.
Be creative and have a go at your own Christmas decorations with the kids.

This Popsicle Christmas Tree is easy to make and will look good on your family tree.

What you will need

  • 1 large green ice block stick
  • 6 or 7 small green ice block sticks
  • PVA glue
  • Paint brush
  • Brown paint for the trunk
  • Small stars, glitter, buttons & other collage materials
  • String or ribbon

To make your popsicle Christmas tree

1. Take 2 small ice block sticks and cut one of them 2cm smaller.

2. Then take another small ice block stick and cut it 2cm smaller than the first one you cut.

3. Repeat this with all the small ice block sticks so that it creates the horizontal lines of the tree (see picture).
4. Paint one end of the wide ice block stick with the brown paint to form the trunk and leave to dry.

5. Glue the small ice block sticks onto the large stick in order of smallest to largest.

6. Decorate your tree with the small stars, buttons, glitter and other collage materials and allow to dry.

7. Attach a small piece of string or ribbon to the top of the tree to hang on your family Christmas tree or use it as a table decoration.


  • If you can't find a large ice block stick, use a stick that's the same size as the other sticks.
  • If you can't find small green ice block sticks you can paint the ones you have with green paint, then leave them to dry before you begin.

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Source: This article has been written by Creators, a nationwide service offering quality home-based care and education. Creators are passionate about seeing every child’s unique talent being recognized and nurtured.
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