
6 Autumn activities for toddlers & preschoolers

Autumn activities are lots of fun for toddlers and preschoolers. They provide a great opportunity for young kids to get outside in the garden or local park, foraging for autumn leaves and twigs that have fallen to the ground. Autumn foraging activities also help to teach children about the wonders of the seasons and to incorporate natural foliage into their arts and crafts and play.
Autumn activities are lots of fun for toddlers and preschoolers.

They provide a great opportunity for young kids to get outside in the garden or local park, foraging for autumn leaves and twigs that have fallen to the ground.

Autumn activities also help to teach children about the wonders of the seasons and to incorporate natural foliage into their arts and crafts and play.

Give your toddler or preschooler a bag or container to collect all their treasures as they forage for leaves and twigs.

6 Autumn activities for toddlers & preschoolers

Here are some autumn activities you can try with your toddler or preschooler using the natural foliage that they’ve gathered. 

1. Try making an autumn collage picture. Perhaps recreating a tree with the twigs and leaves they’ve gathered, or a flower or an animal. Encourage them to be creative and to use their imagination.

2. Help your toddler or preschooler do some weaving (raranga) using small long sticks and dried leaves.

3. Have a go at crayon rubbings. Place the leaves your toddler or preschooler has gathered under a piece of paper and rub crayon over the top so the indents show through. Use different coloured crayons and different shaped leaves and get creative.

4. Help your toddler or preschooler create autumn bouquets using a range of dried twigs and leaves that you’ve gathered.

5. Use the autumn foliage your toddler or preschooler has gathered to create patterns, groups and structures.

6. Set up a play space or nature table for your toddler or preschooler with a range of natural, dried autumn foliage for creative play.

More kids activity articles to enjoy:
Source: This article was kindly provided by Nurtured At Home - providing high quality learning environments in a safe and nurturing home.

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