
Ballet for toddlers & preschoolers

Do your kids love to dance? Have a little ballerina who’s begging for lessons? Music and movement or preballet classes provide a great early introduction to ballet for toddlers and preschoolers and offer many physical benefits too.
Do your kids love to dance? Have a little ballerina who’s begging for lessons?

Music and movement or pre-ballet classes provide a great early introduction to ballet for toddlers and preschoolers and offer many physical benefits too.

Toddlers and preschoolers are too young for formal ballet classes. However pre-ballet classes are a great place to start and a good way for young children to explore movement through music in a fun environment.

Ballet for toddlers & preschoolers


1. What are pre-ballet classes

Pre-ballet classes allow toddlers and preschoolers to use their body to communicate certain actions, emotions and feelings.

Moving to music is a great way for young children to develop an awareness of dance and an appreciation for music.

Toddlers and preschoolers may be encouraged to move around the room to the rhythms of different styles of music or introduced to the 5 ballet positions and the importance of proper posture.

By following a teacher's instructions, they will develop physical skills and learn to use their imagination.

2. 7 Benefits of pre-ballet classes

Like all exercise, pre-ballet comes with lots of physical benefits for your toddler or preschooler too:

1. It improves your child’s range of movement.

2. It increases their flexibility.

3. It improves their physical strength and stamina.

4. It helps to develop their muscle tone.

5. It improves their posture.

6. It increases balance and co-ordination.

7. It improves cardiovascular health.

3. Enrolling toddlers & preschoolers for pre-ballet classes

Children often need to be around 3 years old before they can attend pre-ballet classes.

Before the age of 3, as well as their bones being too soft, their attention spans are also very limited!

However check with your local dance schools to see what classes they have available and when your little one can start.

Dance schools sometimes offer a free trial class, so you can take your toddler or preschooler along to see if they will enjoy the class before signing up for a whole term.

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Image source: petiteballerina

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