
Tui Balms

Tui Baby Balm is altogether natural and recommended by midwives and parents. Use it for the prevention and treatment of nappy rash, cradle cap, eczema, baby massage, for stretch marks and soothing nipple care and as an all over moisturiser. Visit our website to discover the full range of Tui Balms family skincare. Made in Golden Bay, New Zealand. Since 1984.
Tui Baby Balm is altogether natural and recommended by midwives and parents. 

Use it for the prevention and treatment of nappy rash, cradle cap, eczema, baby massage, for stretch marks and soothing nipple care and as an all over moisturiser.

Visit our website to discover the full range of Tui Balms family skincare. 

Made in Golden Bay, New Zealand. Since 1984.

Tui Balms - natural balms for the whole family

Tried, tested and loved for over 4 decades, Tui Balms products can be found in over 500 retail outlets around New Zealand as well as online. They are a must-have for any well-equipped family cupboard and in many therapeutic massage rooms.

Find the right Balm for many occasions: mum and baby care, daily skincare, coughs & colds, first aid, massage, natural insect repellent, weekend camping and more!

All ingredients used in Tui Balms products are whole substances occurring in nature or extracted from a whole natural source.

No artificial preservatives, emulsifiers, colouring agents, stabilisers, parabens or chemical additives.

Our family ESSENTIALS are:
  • BABY BALM - For the prevention and treatment of nappy rash, cradle cap, eczema, baby massage, for stretch marks and soothing nipple care and as an all over moisturiser.
  • BEE BALM, our original Everything Balm with propolis - An excellent all-natural healing, soothing and barrier salve. For cuts, scratches, burns, sunburn, chafing, cracked skin, grazes, rashes and scar tissue.
  • THROAT & CHEST BALM - Natural decongestant for the whole family. Rub on chest and throat to breathe easy.
  • BUG BALM - Effective natural insect repellent for little people from 6 months. Of course, DEET free.

Contact Tui Balms

For more information about Tui Balms and to find a stockist near you visit

You can also follow us on Instagram and Facebook: @tuibalms.

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