
Baby weight conversion chart

One of the most frequent questions you’ll be asked is, ‘so how much did your baby weigh when they were born’? You’ll tell them the answer in grams and they’ll want you to work it out in pounds or vice versa! This baby weight conversation chart or conversion table will help you calculate how much your baby weighs in pounds and ounces and in grams and kilograms so there's no confusion.
One of the most frequent questions you’ll be asked is, ‘so how much did your baby weigh when they were born’?

You’ll tell them the answer in grams and they’ll want you to work it out in pounds or vice versa!

Baby weight conversion chart

This baby weight conversation chart or conversion table will help you calculate how much your baby weighs in pounds and ounces and in grams and kilograms so there's no confusion.


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Source: Early Buds - supporting kiwi parents of premature babies who spend time in NICU or SCBU.
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